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Dry Film Lube

Benefits of Dry Film Lube

Dry film lube is a coating applied to surfaces to diminish friction and wear without using oils, preserving cleanliness, reducing maintenance, and extending the lifespan of machinery components.

Benefits of Dry Film Lube
  • Reduced Friction: DFL creates a slippery layer between surfaces, reducing friction and allowing parts to move more smoothly against each other.


  • Wear Resistance: Dry film lubricants provide a protective barrier that reduces wear and tear on components, extending their lifespan.


  • Corrosion Protection: DFL can shield surfaces from moisture and other corrosive elements, helping to prevent rust and degradation.


  • Cleanliness: Unlike oils or greases, dry film lubricants don’t attract dirt or dust, keeping the machinery or components cleaner and requiring less maintenance.


  • Wide Temperature Range: Some dry film lubricants perform well across a broad temperature spectrum, maintaining their effectiveness in extreme hot or cold conditions.


  • Chemical Stability: DFL can offer stability when exposed to various chemicals, making them suitable for applications where exposure to different substances is common.


Dry film lubricants come in various forms, such as PTFE (Teflon), molybdenum disulfide, graphite, and others. Each has its specific properties and applications based on factors like load, speed, temperature, and environmental conditions.

DFL is commonly used in industries where traditional lubricants might attract dust, such as in aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, and certain electronic applications. DFL is also most commonly used on parts such as gears, uppers, and any other constant moving parts.

dry film lube
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